Picking the Right Car Seat for Your Child
Car seats protect young ones in your family in the event of a crash. This is important because passenger vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of death for kids aged 1 through 13. In 2022, the state of California saw 159,623 collisions which caused serious injury or death. You must pick the right […]
Rideshares and Car Seats
Rideshares are among the most flexible and sought after means of transportation when not driving your personal car. They offer convenience by eliminating the need for parking spaces and being available on demand. Occasionally, you may want to travel with your children when attending a function or in case your car experiences a mechanical issue. […]
Child Car Seat Use: What the Statistics Show
In addition to driving responsibly, the most important thing you can do for your child’s safety in the car is to buckle them into an age-appropriate, correctly installed car seat. In the United States, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among children aged 3 to 14. Every day, an average of two […]
How to Get Help Installing Your Child’s Car Seat
If you have an infant or child car seat in your vehicle, you owe it to yourself and your child to make sure it’s installed correctly. Manufacturers’ instructions aren’t always easy to understand. Unfortunately, without the right installation, car seats aren’t always as effective at protecting a child. That’s why it’s a good idea to […]
Car Seat Recalls: What to do if Your Car Seat is Recalled
Car seats help us protect our most precious cargo. However, car seats aren’t perfect, and unfortunately, car seat recalls can pop up from time to time. Do you know what to do if your car seat is recalled? The first thing to consider is whether the car seat is safe to continue using. Go to […]
Common Car Seat Mistakes: What Not to Do
Children are our most precious cargo. We should be doing everything we can to keep them safe, and when we’re traveling, that begins with using car seats. According to CCD Law in Spokane Washington, incorrect or inadequate child restraints can lead to severe injuries in an accident. Car seats offer a lot of protection, but […]
Should Car Seats Always go in the Rear Seat? Seat Back Danger
For decades we’ve all heard that the rear seat of a vehicle is the best place for a car seat. And, in most cases, this is true. There are however, some vehicles which have rear seats which can collapse and injure or kill a child in the rear seat. It’s terrifying, but more than one […]
Can I travel across state lines with my car seat?

We are constantly receiving questions about traveling with children and the car seat laws from state to state and country to country. For example, this week someone from the UK asked us if their Trunki BoostApak child booster seats were acceptable in California. In this case, we just didn’t know. We do know that the […]
What if a child is injured but was not in their car seat in Idaho?
Most Idaho residents will face a car accident at some point in their lives. These accidents are usually minor but sometimes can result in serious injuries. In cases where a child is injured, the parents of the child may be able to file a claim against the negligent driver for the child’s injuries. If the […]
When Can My Child go To a Forward Facing Car Seat in Oregon?
According to Oregon State Law, children must ride in rear-facing car seats until the age of 2. It wasn’t always this way, Oregon’s children used to graduate to forward facing car seats up until May 26, 2017, when House Bill 3404 became law. Click here for a list of the top rated rar-facing car seats. […]